For the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine
The Lake St. Catherine Association is searching for members of the LSC community to potentially join the board of trustees. Due to an anticipated retirement at the end of the season, the LSCA may have a trustee position open for a three year term beginning in 2019.
From our bylaws, the purpose of the LSCA is " utilize its income and assets for the preservation, protection and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine."
Would you like to join the board and help preserve, protect and maintain our beautiful lake? If so, please send an email to, and include your contact information, a little bit about yourself, including why you'd like to join the board. Nominating Chair Bob Williams will get in touch with you.
Or, do you know someone that may be a good addition to the board? Let them know, or pass along their information to us, and we'll get in touch.
We're looking for folks who have time to volunteer, that work well with others in a group setting - and are ready to be active in fulfilling the purpose of the LSCA.
Trustees attend 4 board meetings, plus the Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner (May, June, July & August) and have other assigned duties and tasks depending on their involvement in committees throughout the season.
So, if you'd like to get involved, or know someone that may, please get in touch at
On Saturday, May 26th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2018 season.
The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi Mcshane.
May 26th 2018 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees
Lake St. Catherine Country Club, 8:30 AM
June 23, 2018- Board meeting
July 21, 2018- Board meeting and Membership meeting
New Boating rules and greeters are in place at the State boat launch in Wells, VT.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded at 11:04.
The next meeting of the LSCA Board Of Trustees will take place on June 23rd at 8:30 AM at the Lake St. Catherine Country Club.
In cooperation with Josh Mulhollem from the Vermont Department Of Environmental Conservation and SOLitude Lake Management (SLM), the Lake St. Catherine Association would like to inform the community that the lake will be treated for milfoil on Monday, June 18th, 2018.
On May 9th, biologists from SLM visited the lake to perform a milfoil survey. They have identified areas to be treated with aquatic herbicide Renovate and Renovate OTF in Accordance with the Aquatic Nuisance Control Permit #2014-C01.
During and after the treatment, please be aware of the following lake water use restrictions:
• There shall be NO USE of Lake St. Catherine, Lily Pond and Little Lake FOR ANY PURPOSE, including boating, fishing, swimming, domestic (household) use or irrigation, on the day of and the entire day after the treatment
• Swimming/wading, boating, fishing and domestic use (except drinking or for food or drink preparation) may resume the beginning of the second day following treatment.
• Use of water from Lake St. Catherine, Lily Pond and Little Lake for drinking or for food or drink preparation shall not resume until water sample analyses reveal that the active ingredient in Renovate (triclopyr) is at or below 75 parts per billion by laboratory analysis.
• Use of water from Lake St. Catherine, Lily Pond and Little Lake for irrigation, including use for watering lawns, trees, shrubs or plants, shall not resume for 120 days or until water sample analyses reveal that triclopyr is at or below 1.0 part per billion by laboratory analysis, whichever comes first.
This means that the lake will be closed for all uses on Monday, June 18th and Tuesday, June 19th.
Along with the herbicide treatment, 13 areas have been selected for DASH. DASH is an acronym for Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting. This process involves scuba divers using suction hoses powered by a surface compressor to selectively remove milfoil from the lake bottom. They will be working throughout the season to remove milfoil by the roots in these designated areas.
Here is a map of the treatment areas for Renovate and DASH:
Are you a member yet? Maintaining the lake costs approximately $125,000 annually. Grants, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding. If you'd like to help, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. The LSCA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and any contribution that you make is tax deductible.
If you have any questions about the upcoming milfoil treatment, please email us at
Hello Lake St. Catherine.
We'd like to let you know that the LSCA Spring 2018 newsletter is now available.
In an effort to save on printing and mailing costs, we've decided to only print a short run of copies and distribute them to Otto's Cones Point General Store and the Wells Country Store. If you'd like a printed copy, please feel free to pick one up when you are out and about in Poultney or Wells.
The digital version is now available online via our website via this link: Click here to view the Spring 2018 Newsletter, or click on the image below. You will be able to read through the newsletter and/or save a copy to your computer.
We hope you'll enjoy this edition of the LSCA newsletter.
We welcome your comments:
Thank you for your support!
As folks start launching their watercraft this season, they will be welcomed at LSC & State of Vermont boat launch by "Greeters".
These well trained individuals inspect incoming and outgoing watercraft looking for invasive species of plant and animal life. Through their efforts, we can closely monitor and prevent such species as Eurasian Water Milfoil, Alewife and Water Chestnuts carried on visiting boats, from invading Lake St. Catherine.
On duty from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on designated days beginning Memorial Day and continuing through Labor Day, the greeters interact with boat owners providing information about our lake and and the need for boaters to adhere to the rules and regulations governing use of the lake.
There are some new rules this year regarding invasive species. You can read about these and the Greeter Program in the Vermont Public Access Greeter Program Manual (PDF). The new regulations are listed in Appendix A on page 26 and 27.
Greeters are provided by the LSCA as trained and paid personnel to inspect boats entering the lake.
You can read more about the LSC boat launch here.
The Lake St. Catherine Association is pleased to provide two FREE boating safety courses this season.
The first will be held on June 28th and 29th from 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Poultney Volunteer Fire Department on Beaman Street.
The second will be held on July 2nd and 3rd from 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Wells Village School on Route 30.
Anyone born after January 1st, 1974 must successfully complete an approved boating safety education course to legally operate any motorized vessel - including personal watercraft.
Frank Callahan, Trustee in charge of Boating Safety, will be conducting the courses.
Space is limited to 25 attendees, so please call 802-645-9136 or email Frank at to register.
For additional information about boating in Vermont, check out the online Handbook of Vermont Boating laws and Responsibilities.
Hello good folks of the Lake St. Catherine community.
How about some news to make us think of some 'Fun In The Sun' during these cold April days... as we wait for the ice on the lake to disappear #LSCIceWatch2018 (the ice went out on 3/2 last year).
We'd like to let you know about the 6th Annual Boat Parade and when the LSC 4th of July fireworks will light up the sky.
6th Annual Lake St. Catherine Boat Parade:
This year, the Boat Parade will take place on Sunday, July 1st at 1 PM. Prizes are awarded for:
Register your boat today! Email Lila at
We'll have more information soon on prizes and the parade route.
Here's our Best Overall winner from last year:
Lake resident Rick Roberts has informed the LSCA that his fireworks display will occur on Saturday, July 7th. This year, the fireworks will launch from the east side of the lake, near the mouth of Hall's Bay.
A photo from last year's display:
We hope the thought of these summer events will keep you warm until Spring finally arrives!
So, mark you calendars for July 1st for the Boat Parade and July 7th for the fireworks - and thanks to Lila and Rick for organizing these great events for all of us to enjoy.
On Tuesday, March 6th 2018, the residents of Wells and Poultney voted to provide $12,000 and $20,000, respectively, in support of the Lake St. Catherine Association's mission to protect and maintain the lake.
We'd like to thank the good folks of both towns for their support. These funds, along with membership dues and contributions, will help us perform our work for the season - including: boat launch monitoring & boating safety classes and milfoil treatment & suction harvesting. You can read more about all that the LSCA does in the Our Purpose section of our site.
Are you a member yet? Maintaining the lake costs approximately $125,000 annually. Grants, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding. If you'd like to help, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. The LSCA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and any contribution that you make is tax deductible. Thanks again to the residents of Wells and Poultney!
Hello again to the good folks of the Lake St. Catherine community.
We wanted to give you a quick update on the 2018 Membership Drive. In just the past few weeks since the 2018 drive started, we've had over 100 memberships sent in via mail and online through the website.
Thanks to all of you that got right to it and sent in your membership - and thanks to those of you that have contributed above the standard $100! All of your support is appreciated as we head into the upcoming season at the lake.
Our Treasurer Elaine will be working through all the memberships to send you a note and receipt, along with your 2018 LSCA window card and a small thank you gift (an eyeglass / screen cleaning cloth).
Although we are off to a great start, we have a long way to go...
So, if you have not already, we hope that you'll consider supporting the Lake St. Catherine Association this year.
You can also download a PDF copy of the 2018 Membership form. Just fill out the form and mail it in to our Treasurer Elaine with a check for your dues. Or, you can renew or become a member on our website. If you were a member in 2017, click here to renew or to become a new member - and you can pay your dues online with your credit card. If you were a member last year (whether you paid by check or online by credit card), the website has an account ready for you. If you don't remember your password, or never set one up, click on the "Forgot Username/Password?" link, and the site will send you an email with the information.
Also, don't forget to check with your employer to see if they have a charitable giving program that may match your contribution!
We also have a new Business Sponsor Membership for local businesses in the lake community.
Finally, we'd like to ask for your help in spreading the word about the membership drive. When speaking to your friends, family and neighbors, please let them know that the 2018 drive is underway. You could also post, or share our posts on Facebook to get the word out.
Your membership and the dues and contributions we receive allows us to accomplish our work. Maintaining the lake costs approximately $100,000 annually. While we do receive annual grants from Poultney, Wells, and the State, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding.
We appreciate your support!
If you have any questions, please contact us at
It's that time of year again... As the Lake St. Catherine Association heads into its 65th year, we are asking for your support for the 2018 season.
Your membership dues and contributions help fund many of the services provided by the LSCA:
Your dues and contributions also help support special initiatives like the Lily Pond Channel Restoration project, which was completed in October. We are still hoping to raise additional funds to cover the cost of this project. We hope that you'll consider adding an additional contribution to your membership dues this year, in support of this important restoration.
There are two easy ways to renew or become a member of the LSCA.
Soon, you will be receiving a mailing from us that contains the 2018 Member Notice. Just fill out the form and mail it in to our Treasurer Elaine with a check for your dues. We'll also send you an email if we have your address on file.
Or, you can renew or become a member on our website. If you were a member in 2017, click here to renew, or to become a new member - and you can pay your dues online with your credit card. If you were a member last year (whether you paid by check or online by credit card), the website has an account ready for you. If you don't remember your password, or never set one up, click on the "Forgot Username/Password?" link, and the site will send you an email with the information.
We'd also like to encourage you to check with your employer to see if they have an Employer Matching Gift Program for charitable donations. Many generous businesses will match donations made by their employees through these programs. So, take a look - you may be able to double your contribution!
If you are a business in the Lake St. Catherine community, we have a new Business Sponsor Membership we'd like to tell you about. The Business Sponsor Membership includes:
Finally, we'd like to tell you about a very exciting partnership with local artist Peter Huntoon. Peter has generously offered to create an original painting of Lake St. Catherine to be used as a fundraiser to benefit the LSCA in 2018. We'll let you know when the painting is completed - and how the fundraiser will work (auction / raffle). Prints of the original painting will also be available for purchase.
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