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Meeting Of The Board Of Trustees - 7/23/22

23 Jul 2022 8:01 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

On Saturday, July 23rd, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their third meeting of the 2022 season. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane Bostock

Attendance: Jim Canders, Martha Pofit, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, John Belnavis, Lisa Micich, Frank Callahan, (Online) Jeff Crandall, Rob Nesbit, Kemi McShane, Mark Shea. Absent: Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Mike Gay, Bob Williams.

Guests: None

Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:34.

Public Comment: None.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of June 25, 2022 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented, made by Lisa Micich, seconded by Frank Callahan. All in favor, so moved.

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, awaiting large invoices from DASH, SOLitude. Discussed checks for LSC CC for facility fee, money collected for dinners. Annual Meeting will show pie charts for income & expenses. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by Lisa Micich, and seconded by Martha Pofit. All in favor, so moved.

Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, DASH permit allowed to start July 1, 2022. Will compare the suction work to the hand-pulling to see if it was effective. Jim stated that Misha will be at LSC on August 8, 2022 for a discussion and tour. MJ has arranged for transportation. Jeff reported on the good results in LIttle Lake. Frank spoke to the increase of boat activity on the LL. LSCA is receiving positive feedback from the LL property owners.

Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis, reports need for more workers, recently received inquiries. Not much boat traffic at the State Park. John provides the State Park with the Greeter program informational pamphlet to hand out to campers/boaters. Program under budget to date. The Greeter Program has a website for training purposes to hire new people. Discussed the fishing tournaments that take place on LSC, and other than Champlain, LSC has the majority of fishing tournaments in the State of VT.

Publicity / Membership: Jerremy Jones, 350 members, with a goal of 400. By the end of 2021, had 372 active members. Just mailed reminder postcards to increase members. Have 59 new members. Use of FB, postings of events, pictures and educational/informational updates keep people engaged and interested in the LSCA.

Lake Safety: Frank Callahan, markers and buoys are secured and in place, none have been removed or damaged. Discussed the differences regarding the boat safety course requirements between Fish & Wildlife and the VT State Police Marine Division. Has issued temporary boating certificates. Reported a tree being cut down and possible concern for it floating in the lake - will be looked into. Not sure of location. Water level is very low this summer season.

Nominating Committee: Slate of 5 candidates to present at the Annual Meeting for vote. Mark Shea was newly appointed Trustee, and will serve the remaining term of an open Trustee spot (2024).

Annual Meeting: John Belnavis, Jerremy Jones, John discussed the menu, expecting 80 members to attend. Jerremy presented the order of slides with discussion. Guest speaker, Eric Hanson of VT Ecostudies will speak on loons. Committee reports will be presented.

Old Business: Jerremy Jones, discussed his position on both boards: LSCA and FOVLAP. Board discussed the implications of his involvement as to voting, balancing representing both boards.

Discussion regarding the wake boat petition, its implications, and legislative process involved.

Letter from LSCA to VT FIsh & Wildlife: Board did not feel the response received from our May 31st letter addressed our concerns. After initial follow up from the board requesting a meeting, a reply from Eric asked that we ‘submit additional questions in writing’. Jerremy made a motion to send a reply asking that our concerns in our letter be addressed. Frank seconded, all in favor, so moved to send the request.

New Business: Jerremy Jones, presented three items to be purchased for education/ community outreach by the LSCA. A tent, a banner stand, and a table throw & table for set up at community events. A motion was made by MJ to designate up to $1,500.00 for the purchasing of these items. John seconded, all in favor, and so moved.

Grants: Martha Pofit, presented a motion to the Board to send the letter drafted to PMNRCD and the Rutland Regional Planning Commission requesting that they approve the Lake St. Catherine Association to be a member of the inaugural Basin Water Quality Council in order to: provide local water quality knowledge; advise Clean Water Service Providers on funding decisions; prioritize projects; and participate in the Tactical Basin Planning process. Martha made the motion, Frank seconded, all in favor, and so moved to send the letter.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:39, seconded and all in favor, so moved.

Next meeting: August 27, 2022 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.

Respectfully submitted, Kemi McShane Bostock, Recording Secretary

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Lake St. Catherine Association
PO Box 631
Wells, VT 05774

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