Good evening LSC. We are excited to report that field work has begun on the Lake St. Catherine Watershed Action Plan!
Hilary Solomon & Sadie Brown from the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD), Evan Fitzgerald from Fitzgerald Environmental Associates, limnologist Emily Porter-Goff from the Lamoille County Conservation District (LCCC), and Trustees from the Lake St. Catherine Association headed out on the water to begin the assessment of current shoreline and in-lake conditions.
From the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a Lake Watershed Action Plan is described as: “Watershed planning helps address water quality problems in a holistic manner by fully assessing the potential contributing causes and sources of pollution, then prioritizing restoration and protection strategies to address these problems.”
After many years of successfully managing individual lake programs which include: invasive species control & prevention, and stormwater management, the LSCA is now poised to integrate these programs into a broader watershed plan with a focus on the prevention of pollutant loads (phosphorus, nitrogen, sediments) that enter into the Lake from sources outside the waterbody. The LSCA plans to use the success of these building blocks to expand its work in the watershed and focus on prevention for the future.
The LSCA has hired and will partner with lake experts to perform various in-lake and watershed based measurements, testing, and studies to identify current or potential future issues and design a comprehensive, long-term plan to address them. The resulting plan will leverage current investments in water quality and pollution prevention, be driven by accepted best management practices, elevate under-assessed areas and gaps, and will identify issues, opportunities, and projects to guide locally-led water quality implementation work in the LSC watershed.
You can read more about the Lake St. Catherine Watershed Action Plan on our website:
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC 00A00707-0) to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP).