For the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine
On Friday, February 7th, at 12 PM, the LSCA and Community Science Coordinator Dana Williams from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE) will be having a chat about VCE's Loon Conservation Project - and you are invited.
With all the excitement of our nesting pair of loons proudly parading their chick around the lake last summer, we know that LSC went looney for loons in 2024! So, we'd like to invite you to participate in this chat so you can loon more about loons, and what VCE is doing and planning for their Loon Conservation Project.
About the meeting from VCE:
We’re looking forward to when the loons return in just a few months and as we’re getting ready for the new season we’re excited to explore opportunities to expand the loon project. This is partially because we have some additional minds joining us from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies staff. We’re hoping that some of these opportunities will help us spend more time in the field, help you get loon updates faster, and help everyone learn more to conserve Vermonts’ loons. While we have some ideas about what would be helpful for us on the research side of things, we want to make sure we hear from you since your collaboration in the project is crucial to its success. To this end, we would like to invite you to have a meet and greet conversation with Dana Williams to share what you love about the loon project, any challenges you have faced participating in the loon project and what opportunities you would be interested in seeing us pursue for the future.
We’re looking forward to when the loons return in just a few months and as we’re getting ready for the new season we’re excited to explore opportunities to expand the loon project. This is partially because we have some additional minds joining us from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies staff.
We’re hoping that some of these opportunities will help us spend more time in the field, help you get loon updates faster, and help everyone learn more to conserve Vermonts’ loons. While we have some ideas about what would be helpful for us on the research side of things, we want to make sure we hear from you since your collaboration in the project is crucial to its success.
To this end, we would like to invite you to have a meet and greet conversation with Dana Williams to share what you love about the loon project, any challenges you have faced participating in the loon project and what opportunities you would be interested in seeing us pursue for the future.
The Meeting will be held online via Google Meet, and here is the link:
Loon Discussion With Dana From VCEFriday, February 7 · 12:00 – 1:00pm
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 669-238-0306 PIN: 500 528 169#
Please join us on February 7th!
Photo: Karen Velsor
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