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The Latest News From The Lake St. Catherine Association

  • 26 Jun 2024 12:38 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    On Saturday, June 22nd, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their second meeting of the 2024 season.

    Attendance: John Belnavis, Mark Shea, Sue Wojtkowiak, Mary Jo Teetor, Lisa Micich, Jim Canders, Jeff Crandall (call in), Kemi McShane (call in), Frank Callahan, Jerremy Jones, and Mike Gay. Absent: Bob Williams, Nancy Liberatore, Rob Nesbit, Ed Laird

    Guests: None

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:00.

    Public Comment: None.

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM

    Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of May 25, 2024 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor, so moved.

    Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor presented income and expenses. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. All in favor, so moved.

    Annual Membership Meeting: Saturday, July 20,20224. The annual membership meeting will be held at the LSC CC at 6:00 PM. The format for the meeting will be the Committee Chairperson will present for each committee. One guest speaker will address the Membership. An invitation will be made to Hilary from the PMNRCD who will report on the Lake St. Catherine Watershed Action Plan, and the Stormwater Master Plan. Invitations were also extended to the Select Boards of Poultney and Wells, and our state senators and representatives. John spoke of the menu selection and pricing as discussed with the Dining Room manager, Nicole. The facility can handle 80 guests. All dinner reservations and selection must be made by 7/21. The Board of Trustees are preparing for a good turnout and will be able to address topics of interest, and save time for a Q&A period at the end of the Membership meeting.

    Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, treatment took place on June 4, 2024. June 6, 2024 water testing showed the herbicide had dissipated out of the water. Jim spoke to the presence of the law enforcement at the boat launch area, and how well they handled the protesting. Jeff has received the SOLitude contract and has the invoice for payment of $48,260.00 to give to MJ. Jeff reported an update for the DASH program. The team will work on 14 sites, as approved by the DEC. The team will begin full operations on July 1, 2024. A motion was made to ratify the DASH budget, (that was proposed via e-mail) for $53,000.00. All in favor, so moved. On our new 5-year permit application, no new news, but we do expect a public meeting, and will ask members to make comments and participate.

    Greeter Program: John Belnavis spoke of the team Greeters this 2024 season consisting of high schoolers and retirees. John mentioned the good relationship between the Marina and the Greeters, which allows the Greeters to use the facilities at the Marina. He has good coverage for this season. John mentioned a conversation with Kim Jensen about a potential boat wash station, and led to a discussion about the new wake boat decontamination rules.

    Water Quality and Testing: Mary Jo Teetor spoke of the high pollen count this Spring. She will address any area of water that is of concern to residents. Cyanobacteria are always present and become problematic due to weather conditions. There has been a decrease in the phosphorus levels in LSC which could be the result of property owner education and the work of various water quality improvement projects around the lake by LSCA and PMNRCD.

    Publicity: Jerremy Jones, involvement with FOVLAP has provided an increased exposure to other lakes and is a good resource for what is going on in the State. LSCA’s website and Facebook pages are continually updated with LSC related information.

    Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, reported the condition and placement of the many buoys around the lake. All were in the lake for Memorial Day weekend. One went missing and was found in Halls Bay. An additional marker will be added to Forest House Bay for the protection of the Loons and their new chick. Frank said that he may not be able to conduct the boat safety course as he had done over the years, waiting for booklets and tests from the State.

    Nominating Committee: Jim Canders referred to the E-mail poll and the results. Lisa, Mike and Mark will be returning Trustees, Rob has not informed the board of his decision yet. John’s seat is open for a new candidate. Discussion regarding potential new Trustees. Jerremy will invite the candidate that was discussed. John mentioned the collection of the signs posted to inform the public of the herbicide treatment, need to stay up for 30 days, John will collect them at that time. John also mentioned a conversation about beavers in Lily Pond from a resident. Jerremy will reach out to someone at the State who recently gave a presentation on beavers.

    Membership: Jerremy Jones, to date there are 350 LSCA members. The membership goal is to reach 400. A reminder postcard will be sent later in July.

    Government Relations: Jim Canders addressed the cooperation the LSCA received from Wells and the State of VT regarding the need for a presence at the boat launch on the day of the treatment.

    Grants: Mary Jo Teetor mentioned the need to hire a Grant writer and discussed the process for writing a grant and reporting on it is time consuming. MJ has managed the grants with help from Hilary and her staff at PMNRCD. This position will be advertised.

    Old Business: LSCA to participate in East Poultney Day, August 10th. LSCA new welcome sign needs to be erected and a placement for it needs to be established. Contacted the Butternut Hill Condos to ask to use their land at the base of the hill. A written agreement between the LSCA and Butternut Hill Condos was suggested.

    New Business: Jerremy reported that registration for the Boat Parade is low but usually picks up once people arrive at the Lake. Volunteers to help at the Library Loves Lakes on July 13 at the State Park would be helpful.

    Subsequent Trustees Meeting dates:

    July 27, 2024 Trustees Meeting 8:30 AM

    July 27, 2024 Annual Membership Meeting 6:00 PM at LSC CC

    August 24, 2024 Trustees Meeting 8:30 AM (last meeting for 2024) to include Election of Officers: President, Vice President and Treasurer

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 10:25, all in favor, so moved.

    Respectfully submitted, Kemi McShane

  • 19 Jun 2024 7:51 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    It was quite the day yesterday when Dawn & Joel, who have been monitoring the nesting loons from their camp on the Channel, reported that a baby loon chick was seen with the pair. Then, a few hours later, a new sighting with two loon chicks! 


    The parent loons were observed feeding the chicks, and the chicks were seen riding on the backs of their parents. 

    Here is a photo taken by Lake St. Catherine photographer extraordinaire Karen Velsor:

    Baby loon chicks on Lake St. Catherine - June, 18th, 2024 - photo by Karen Velsor

    Thank you to Karen for allowing us to include one of her photos in this announcement!

    Many more images and videos have been posted in the Lake St. Catherine Vermont Facebook Group, which you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LakeSaintCatherine

    As of last evening, all four loons were observed heading under the bridge, then out onto the Big Lake!

    Please keep your eyes peeled for them, and be sure to give them their space - and do not approach them during this crucial time.

    Check out this brochure from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, "A Guide For Boaters" for tips on sharing the water with the loons.

    Thanks to Dawn & Joel for keeping a good eye on them as they nested, and thanks Eric Hanson from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for his support over these past several years to get us to the this point!

    VCE's A Guide for Boaters - Vermont's Common Loon

  • 15 Jun 2024 7:48 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Our Game Warden Justin Turner sent us his first update of the 2024 season about his work at the lake since May 22nd to pass along to the lake community. He will be providing updates throughout the season.

    We thank Justin for his work, and for providing these updates to the lake community!

    Justin's Report:

    “Vermont Game Wardens returned to boating patrol on Lake St. Catherine on May 22, 2024. Like last summer, Wardens will be conducting safety inspections, fishing compliance checks and general patrol for boating safety.

    Wake violations were one of the most common complaints and or observed violations in 2023. As a reminder, it is a violation to operate a boat within 200 feet of the shorelinean individual in the water; a canoe, rowboat, or other vessel; an anchored or moored vessel containing any individual; or anchorages or docks, except at a speed of less than five miles per hour that does not create a wake.

    In addition, and worth noting, an individual shall not operate a vessel, except at speeds of less than five miles per hour, within 200 feet of a designated swimming area. This applies to the designated swimming area buoys found off the beach at the State Park and through the channel.

    As mentioned above, a safety inspection is an equipment check including but not limited to the following items when applicable, working lights, pfd(s), fire extinguisher(s), registration numbers, current validation sticker, muffling device, a working bilge blower, and a boating safety card. Having said that about fire extinguishers, if your non rechargeable fire extinguisher is more than 12 years old, it is considered “expired” per the United State Coast Guard rules and regulations. Here is a link to the USCG boat responsibly page as it pertains to fire extinguishers and a Q&A taken from that page: 

    Q3. How do I tell if my fire extinguisher is expired?

    A3.  If your disposable (non-rechargeable) fire extinguisher has the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) Trademark, a date of manufacture stamped on the bottle, and it is older than 12 years since the date, the extinguisher is considered expired and must be removed from service. Look for wording on the bottle stating, “This product must be removed from service within 12 years after date of manufacturing”.


    Here is a link to the USCG boat responsibly home page:


    If you see Wardens on the boat, please feel free to flag us down on the water or from your dock and we are happy to complete an inspection for you or answer any questions/concerns you may have.”

    Lake St. Catherine Game Warden Justin Turner

  • 2 Jun 2024 7:21 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC - We'd like to let you know that the 12th Annual LSCA Boat Parade has been scheduled and is open for registration!

    The 12th Annual LSCA Boat Parade will be on Saturday, July 6th at 1 PM.

    We all know how fun it is to watch the boat parade, but it's even more fun to be part of it!

    As we did last year, we'll take photos of all participants, and we'll have a lake-wide online vote to decide the winner.

    Our categories are:

    • Most Original
    • Most Patriotic
    • Funniest
    • Best Overall

    If you'd like to register your boat, please email us at info@lakestcatherine.org with your name, phone number, and boat name or theme. We'll get you signed up and will reply back with your boat number, and give you all the details on how to participate.

    Our 11th Annual Boat Parade winners, and current reigning champions are:

    Most Patriotic:

    1st Place: Boat #3 - 4th of July / Fireworks - Joseph Cheslawski

    LSCA's 11th Annual Boat Parade - Most Patriotic


    1st Place: Boat #11 - Sunnyside 5th Generation - Megan Caswell

    LSCA's 11th Annual Boat Parade - Funniest

    Most Original:

    1st Place: Boat #1 - Unidentified Floating Object - The Goldman Family

    LSCA's 11th Annual Boat Parade - Most Original

    Best Overall:

    1st Place: Boat #6 - Groovin On The Lake 2.0 - Christine & Mike Gay

    LSCA's 11th Annual Boat Parade - Best Overall

    [ All photos by Karen Velsor - thanks Karen! ]

    So, start thinking about your theme, and mark your calendars for July 6th! Then, email us at info@lakestcatherine.org to register your boat.

    Also, lake resident Rick Roberts has announced that his annual fireworks display will take place that evening, Saturday, July 6th at dusk. 

    It's going to be a fun day!

  • 31 May 2024 3:15 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    On Saturday, May 25th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2024 season.

    Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Mike Gay, Jeff Crandall, Sue Williams, Rob Nesbit, Kemi McShane, John Belnavis Absent: Lisa Micich, Mark Shea, Bob Williams

    Guests: None

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:00.

    Public Comment: None at the start of the meeting.

    Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of August 26, 2024 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor, so moved.

    Annual Meeting / Use of LSC CC: John Belnavis has reserved the LSC Country Club for our Annual Meeting: July 27th, 2023 at 6 PM. John is working with the LSC CC on arrangements and dinner for the meeting. Details will be presented at the June Meeting. Discussion of potential speaker(s).

    Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, Jeff discussed the late April plant survey, and DEC approval of our plans for the Milfoil Control Program for the 2024 season. Jeff mentioned that there is a spot treatment in Little Lake, so we approached the LSCCF to see if they would like to contribute, but they declined citing budgetary concerns.

    > Public Comment: At this point in the meeting, Jim, Donnalee, and Jeanie Kelly arrived, so we gave them time to speak and ask questions about the upcoming ProcellaCOR treatment, and a discussion followed. They requested some additional information which we will follow up with after the meeting. As they left, Ed continued the discussion with them outside.

    Returning to the Milfoil Management discussion: Jeff continued by going over the locations that will be spot treated or DASHed on the 2024 map. Jeff also outlined the process for the new permit application that was submitted to the DEC. There was also discussion about the recent Wells Select Board Meeting at which a group asked the board to pull support for our new permit, and preparations for rumored disruptions at the boat launch on the day of the treatment on June 4th.

    Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, MJ provided printed reports of year-to-date income and expenses, discussed grants, and budgetary numbers for the 2024 season for our large expenses which includes the Greeter Program and the Milfoil Control Program. MJ also suggested looking for someone to assist with grant writing and reporting as a paid position. MJ also mentioned voting to increase Greeter pay to $20 per hour. A motion was made by Frank to increase Greeter pay to $20 per hour, seconded by Nancy. All in favor, so moved. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by John, and seconded by Nancy. All in favor, so moved.

    Publicity: Jerremy Jones, Spring newsletter available, emailed to members, posted on website, printed copies available at Wellsmere Farm & Cones Point General Store. Frequent postings on our website, Facebook, email blasts to keep the lake community infomed. Jerremy also mentioned that the website has been updated with the new wake sport regulations, as well as the Milfoil Control Program page.

    Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, new buoys going in for Sunken Island, all buoys and markers should be in by the end of the weekend. Frank is looking to schedule the boating safety classes, waiting to hear back from F&W on new materials for 2024.

    Nominating Committee: Jim Canders spoke for Bob Williams, John Belnavis is stepping down at the end of his term, we will have at least one opening. Discussion about potential new board members.

    Membership: Jerremy Jones, ahead of last year, 331 current members. Some very generous contributions this year. Working to hit our goal of 400 members, and will send out reminder postcards in July.

    Grants / Government Relations: Jim Canders, Jim discussed the good attendance of local and state representatives at our recent events.

    Old Business: Discussion about reserving a booth and attending East Poultney Day.

    New Business: Ed discussed board voting, and said that it always take place in-person, or online (ie. Google Meet) with a quorum, and should not be done via email. Replacing the Welcome to Lake St. Catherine sign was discussed - John speaking to landowners about a new location, we have a structural design from Mike, and are working with a lake resident on the sign design. Jerremy requested that the LSCA make a $100 donation to the Vermont Center for Ecostudies in acknowledgement of Eric Hanson’s assistance in setting up the loon nesting platform. Motion to make the donation made by John, and seconded by Frank. All in favor, so moved.

    A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:45, seconded and all in favor, so moved.

    Next meeting: June 22, 2024 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.

    Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane & Jerremy Jones.

  • 25 May 2024 3:45 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Good afternoon LSC - we hope you are getting in some lake time on this beautiful day!

    What a great event at the Wells Lakeside Park this afternoon for the Libraries Love Lakes Spring Event!

    We hope all who attended enjoyed it!

    Loon biologist Eric Hanson arrived early to canoe over to observe the nesting loons, then arrived back just in time to kick off the presentations with a real-time loon report! Based on what Eric saw, and Dawn's observations, Eric explained that he believes the loons are sitting on an egg. They have been doing so for about a week, so we may be 3 weeks away from seeing if they will be successful based on average loon egg incubation time. As Dawn has encouraged everyone, please maintain no wake speed near the marked area, and please do not stop to observe, just take a peak as you slowly move past. Very exciting!

    Eric Hanson - Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine

    Next, Kathleen Guinness from RCAS spoke about birds you can see at LSC, including many you may have heard, but have never seen. Kathleen explained that there are over 99 different bird species that visit Lake St. Catherine!

    Kathleen Guinness - Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine

    The LSCA would like to thank our attendees, the Lake Champlain Basin Program, NEIWPCC, the Wells Village Library - and their mascot Nan, the Town of Wells, Eric, Kathleen, Karen, and of course Gina for their contributions to making this event a great success! THANK YOU!

    Wells Village Library Mascot Nan - Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine

    Gina Ellis - Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine

    Teaghan Stahl - Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine

    The next Libraries Love Lakes event will take place at the State Park on July 13th - there will be swimming, paddling, AND SO MUCH MORE! More details as we get closer to the event - mark your calendar.

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend all!

    More photos in the Facebook Gallery: 

  • 24 May 2024 8:17 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    It's almost here, Memorial Day Weekend, and the 'unofficial start of summer'. We hope that you'll have a fun and safe season at the Lake, and that you'll be kind and respectful of each other and our beautiful lake as you create new memories and enjoy your time here this season.

    We also hope that you will take a moment on Monday to remember and honor those who have died while serving our country for Memorial Day.

    The LSCA's Spring 2024 newsletter is attached with lots of information about our plans for the season, and details on many of the events that will be taking place at or around the lake.

    In an effort to save on printing and mailing costs, we've decided to only print a short run of copies and distribute them at Wellsmere Farm in Wells, and the Cones Point General Store / Cluckin' Cafe in Poultney. If you'd like a printed copy, please feel free to pick one up when you are out and about (available Friday after 9AM). Thank you to Michelle and Nicole for having them available!

    Also, your LSCA Trustee neighbors will have printed copies available around the lake over the weekend, so stop in to say hi.

    The digital version is now available online via our website through this link: Click here to view the Spring 2024 Newsletter, or click on the image below. When you click on the link for the newsletter, you will be able to view it on screen - and be able to zoom in or out using the controls in your browser window. Or, you can click the download button to save a copy to your computer to view with a PDF reader, and/or print a copy.

  • 18 May 2024 12:59 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Today, the LSCA was happy to host Olin Reed from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Lakes and Ponds today at the Wells Town Hall for his in-person training session on the Greeter Program.

    Folks from lakes all around the State attended the training session to be Greeters on their local lake, including Greeters that will work at Lake St. Catherine this summer.

    Today's training included:

    > Aquatic invasive species biology, threats to Vermont, the importance of spread prevention

    > Access area rules and regulations, invasive species laws

    > Invasive species messaging, tips on interacting with the public

    > Inspection and data collection training

    About the Greeter Program on LSC:

    Our Greeter Program is very important to the health of Lake St. Catherine. Our Greeters have been trained to identify aquatic invasive species (AIS) - like spiny waterflea, asian clams, water chestnut, starry stonewort and zebra mussels (and many others) - to stop them from entering LSC at the boat launch in Wells and the State Park in Poultney. They also educate boaters about the importance of looking for these invasives on their boat or trailer so they are not spread to LSC or another lake. Each year, they do a fantastic job checking vessels and educating the lake community on the dangers of invasive species for Lake St. Catherine. They are on duty from Memorial Day through Labor Day - working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They also cover holidays and fishing tournaments.

    The Greeter Program on LSC is partially funded by the Aquatic Nuisance Control (ANC) Grant-in-Aid Program, and by membership dues and contributions to the LSCA.

    Read more here: https://lakestcatherine.org/boat-launch-monitoring...

    If you are interested in being a paid Greeter as part of this program, please reach out to us at info@lakestcatherine.org.

    Also, a thank you to the Town of Wells for the use of the Town Hall Meeting Room!

    Olin Reed - Vermont DEC - 2024 Greeter Training

  • 9 May 2024 12:24 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    We recently told you about the loon nesting platform that was built and placed in the Channel last month in the hopes that our territorial loon pair would return and nest this year.

    Well... our loons in the Channel have built a nest just off the shoreline - foregoing the deluxe accommodations we provided for them...   (but we don't mind).

    Channel residents Dawn & Joel observed their building activities over the past few days, and they informed Eric Hanson from Vermont Center for Ecostudies.

    Wednesday evening, Dawn & Joel assisted us in placing the Loon Nesting Area signs to create a small buffer zone around the nest. These signs were left at the lake last year (with Dawn & Joel) when the nesting activity was first observed. The loons did not end up building a nest last year, so they were not placed at that time.

    Loon nesting area buoy

    Now that they have a nest, we need to give them space to do their thing:

    • Please do not approach the nest
    • When passing by the nest, please do not stop, just continue on your way
    • Most importantly, PLEASE travel at NO WAKE speed in this area. Eric mentioned that eggs have been recently lost on other lakes from wave action

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that this pair will be successful!

    Thanks again to Dawn & Joel for their help!

    Loon nest on Lake St. Catherine

    > Photos by Dawn Smith-Pliner

  • 7 May 2024 12:25 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC. 

    The LSCA is currently seeking dedicated and reliable folks to work as Greeters on Lake St. Catherine as part of the Vermont Public Access Greeter Program.

    About the LSCA's Greeter Program:

    Our Greeter Program is very important to the health of Lake St. Catherine. Our Greeters have been trained to identify aquatic invasive species (AIS) - like spiny waterflea, asian clams, water chestnut, starry stonewort and zebra mussels (and many others) - to stop them from entering LSC at the boat launch in Wells and the State Park in Poultney. They also educate boaters about the importance of looking for these invasives on their boat or trailer so they are not spread to LSC or another lake. Each year, they do a fantastic job checking vessels and educating the lake community on the dangers of invasive species for Lake St. Catherine. They are on duty from Memorial Day through Labor Day - working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They also cover holidays and fishing tournaments.

    Greeters earn $20 per hour.

    If you are interested in being a paid Greeter as part of this program, please reach out to us at info@lakestcatherine.org.

    Additional details about the Greeter position:

    Boat Access Greeter Duties

    • Approaching and interacting with boaters
    • Inspecting watercraft
    • Identifying and handling suspicious specimens
    • Collecting and reporting data
    • Distributing educational material on aquatic invasive species

    Annual Greeter Program Training

    All Vermont Public Access Greeters and Coordinators are required to attend annual Greeter Program Trainings. The trainings include up-to-date information about the program and professional development techniques. Some of the topics include:

    • Aquatic invasive species biology, threats to Vermont, and the importance of spread prevention
    • Access area rules and regulations, invasive species laws
    • Tips on delivering invasive species messages and interacting with the public
    • How to inspect watercraft and data collection methods

    > In-person training will take place on Saturday, May 18th at the Wells Town Hall beginning at 10 AM

    For more info on the Greeter Program: https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/aquatic-invasives/spread-prevention/vermont-public-access-greeter-program

    LSCA's Greeter Program

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Lake St. Catherine Association
PO Box 631
Wells, VT 05774

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