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The Latest News From The Lake St. Catherine Association

  • 1 Oct 2023 1:10 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC, we have some unfortunate news to share.

    On Saturday morning, September 30th, someone completely destroyed the Welcome to Lake St. Catherine sign, and a memorial slate plaque for Martin Greenberg at the bottom of North Street.

    Based on car parts left behind at the scene and some observations from folks around the lake, it appears that the vehicle was a blue 2000-2005 Toyota RAV4, and the sign was hit between 7:30 and 8 AM.

    If you have any info that you can provide, please let us know, and we'll send that along to VSP for their investigation. Also, keep an eye out for a blue RAV4 with front bumper damage.

    We have already started planning for a new sign, and we'll have more info soon.

    Thanks again to the Kings for all the hard work they provide to maintain and make this area look beautiful for all of us.

    LSCA Welcome to Lake St. Catherine sign destroyed

  • 24 Sep 2023 1:12 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC.

    The Lake St. Catherine Association and the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD) were recently interviewed by Senator Brian Collamore for his public affairs show Catamount Community Connection.

    Our episode will air next Sunday, October 1st on WJJR, 98.1 FM at 6 AM, and on Cat Country, 105.3 FM at 11 PM. You can listen to both of these stations online by clicking the attached links.

    We'll do our best to record our episode in case you miss it and make it available for listening at another time.

    Jerremy Jones from the LSCA and Hilary Solomon from the PMNRCD had a great discussion with Senator Collamore about the projects and programs our organizations are working on, and how we are working together on numerous preservation and protection initiatives for the lake and the Lake St. Catherine watershed.

    Thank you to Senator Collamore and to Catamount Radio for this opportunity to speak about these important topics for the lake community and all in the Poultney Mettowee conservation district. 

    We hope you can tune in!

    Catamount Community Connection - LSCA & PMNRCD

  • 19 Sep 2023 12:02 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC. 

    The Lake St. Catherine Association recently made a donation to the Vermont Center for EcoStudies (VCE) to support and acknowledge the fine work of VCE and loon biologist Eric Hanson for loons in Vermont - and at Lake St. Catherine.

    Eric has travelled to Lake St. Catherine numerous times over the past few years in support of our increasing loon visits.

    This May, he came to LSC to observe a pair of loons that had exhibited nesting activity in the Channel. Although they ultimately did not build a nest, we'll work with Eric to place a nesting platform for them when they return in April. You can read about his May visit here: https://lakestcatherine.org/blog/13207383.

    In August, VCE also provided a collection tube that we installed at the boat launch in Wells to collect lead tackle and old fishing line, both deadly to loons. You can read more about that here: https://lakestcatherine.org/blog/13235860

    Eric was also at LSC twice in July of 2022 to participate in the Libraries Love Lakes event, and to present at our Annual Meeting & Dinner. At that Annual Meeting, Eric gave a fantastic presentation about loons, which was recorded - and you can view that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUrY1PqirzU.

    In 2021, Eric also rescued a sub-adult loon on Lake St. Catherine that had been caught up with a lure and fishing line. You can read about that here: https://lakestcatherine.org/blog/12107471.

    Yesterday, we were very happy to read this nice note from Alyssa at VCE thanking the LSCA and our members for the donation, and inviting members to a special conversation with Eric about loons - and we'd like to share it with you:

    "First off, I want to thank you for giving to the Vermont Loon Conservation Project (VLCP) during our recent Loon Appeal. Thanks to you and your fellow supporters, Vermont's loons are better supported than ever before. Your gift will support our efforts to reduce the amount of lead tackle being used on Vermont's lakes, provide nesting rafts for the loons that need them, and more.

    As a new VLCP donor, the Lake St. Catherine Association is invited to a special conversation with VCE's loon Biologist, Eric Hanson, to hear about the state of Vermont's loons, including stories from the field and time for a Q & A. This is an exclusive opportunity to connect with Eric, who criss-crosses Vermont all summer visiting our lakes and ponds, rescuing loons, and conducting our ongoing loon monitoring. Eric has been the loon biologist for the VLCP since 1998 and hearing him share his knowledge and insights from the past couple decades is always a treat!

    This conversation will take place on Zoom at 7pm on 9/25/2023. That's just a week away! Please pre-register for the Zoom meeting here to receive the link to the conversation. Please feel free to pass this link along to your members."

    This is a great opportunity to learn more about Vermont's loons, and Eric always gives a fantastic presentation!

    We hope to see you there!

    Loon on Lake St. Catherine

  • 1 Sep 2023 3:09 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hey there LSC. Wow - what a fantastic meeting this morning!

    It was great to see so many folks who care about the lake joining in on the discussion about the Lake St. Catherine Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) this morning at the Wells Town Hall. There were 40 attendees in total!

    12 projects from the SWMP were selected and will move ahead into the design phase. You can see a plotting of the projects on a Google map on the LSC Stormwater Master Plan Page here: https://lakestcatherine.org/stormwater-master-plan

    Projects selected were: 

    • CT-1 (Clayton Tract)
    • RT30-1 (RT 30, near Otto's)
    • CP-1 (end of Cones Point Road)
    • LL-1 (Lochlea Lane)
    • WL-1 (West Lake Road, south of the Lighthouse)
    • WL-6 (West Lake Road, near Idylwild)
    • CD-1 (Channel Drive)
    • FCR-1 (revisit), FCR-2, FCR-3, FCR-4, IVL-1 (grouping of issues on Ferncliff Road)

    Although noted as separate projects, the grouping on Ferncliff will be looked at together in scope, as will the multiple issues that have been observed on Channel Drive.

    This was an extremely productive meeting, and we thank all attendees for your participation, input and enthusiasm to make this project a success! Also, many folks that were unable to attend wrote in to share issues they have observed, which have also been noted.

    We'd also like to thank the town of Wells for the use of the Town Hall meeting room, and Hilary, Sadie, Sophia, and Evan (from Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District and Fitzgerald Environmental) for all the work they put forth in preparation for the meeting. 

    Finally, we'd like to thank Don Preuss & Paul Woodruff from the Wells Select Board, members of the town road crews from Wells & Poultney, Senator Terry Williams, Poultney Community Development Director Sarah Pelkey, Poultney Town Manager Paul Donaldson, and Vermont DEC Watershed Planner Angie Allen for attending and contributing.

    It's going to take all of us contributing and working on these and other important lake issues to make progress - so it was just so great to see so many folks participating - THANK YOU!

    We'll keep you up-to-date on this and all other projects as they move forward. We'll look to have another gathering soon to discuss the Lake St. Catherine Watershed Action Plan.

    Enjoy this beautiful Labor Day Weekend...

  • 31 Aug 2023 7:53 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    On Saturday, August 26th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their fourth meeting of the 2023 season.

    Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, Kemi McShane, Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Lisa Micich, Rob Nesbit, Jeff Crandall, Mark Shea, Mike Gay, Sue Williams. Absent: Nancy Liberatore, John Belnavis, Bob Williams

    Guests: None

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:08. 

    Public Comment: None.

    Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of July 22, 2023 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented, made by Frank, seconded by Mike. All in favor, so moved.

    Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, Jeff reported on the DASH team's extensive work in North Bay, the Channel, and their extended contract to 9/8. Also discussed: applying for a new permit, the Lake Bomoseen permit denial, the invasive early spring curly-leaf pondweed in the northern end of LL and the Channel, the impact of the harvester.  

    Purchasing Policy: Ed Laird, Ed presented the final draft of the Purchasing Policy for the LSCA. After a brief discussion, a motion to accept the policy was made by Frank, seconded by Mike. All in favor, so moved.

    Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, Mary Jo discussed our financials - in really good shape. She discussed: expenditures, filing our 990, the land donation and sale, grants, insurance. Motion to accept the treasurer's report made by Frank, seconded by Jim. All in favor, so moved.

    Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis, Jim reported for John. Boat launches are down, probably due to weather. Also discussed: maintaining staff and funding.

    Publicity: Jerremy Jones, Jerremy discussed information from recent FOVLAP meetings: $550k budget item for AIS prevention & control, filling of Lakes and Ponds positions at DEC, wakesport rules. Also discussed potential renters guide for LSC, and fall newsletters are available.

    Lake Safety: Mike Gay, Mike discussed buoys and markers, getting quotes for buoy replacements, needing additional ‘buoy buddies’, and buoy and marker placement.

    Nominating Committee: Slate of candidates was approved at the annual meeting, update the terms for newly elected trustees.

    Membership: Jerremy Jones, Jerremy reported that we are at 385 members, 15 away from the goal of 400. ~$75k collected in dues & donations. Reminder postcards were sent.

    Government Relations: Excellent turnout of elected officials at annual meeting, some will be attend SWMP meeting in September.

    Grants: Discussion of Libraries Love Lakes II with Wells Village Library, future potential funding from the CWSP, and Greeter / AIS funding.

    Old Business: Discussion of a very successful East Poultney Day, Jerremy & Frank spoke at the event tent, and Sue helped to staff the booth. Lake Wise 2022 winners were visited and photos were taken & plaques delivered.

    New Business: Discussion of SWMP meeting at the Wells Town Hall on Sept 9 with Fitzgerald Environmental and PMNRCD & the public to select the next set of 10-12 projects to design. Discussed how LSCA was portrayed at the LSCCF’s annual meeting. 2024 meeting dates were set. Jerremy asked that we make a donation to VT Center for Ecostudies to recognize the work that loon biologist Eric Hanson has done at LSC, and that he will be back in April to help us install a loon nesting platform. A motion was made by Rob for $200, seconded by Frank. All in favor, so moved. FOVLAP dues were paid. Noted that August 31st 2023 is the LSCA’s 70th anniversary. Senator Collamore invited Hilary from PMNRCD and Jerremy from the LSCA to be guests on his radio show on Sept 1 to be recorded and broadcast in October. Discussion on if we have outgrown the golf course for our annual meeting?

    Election of Officers: Nominations: Jim: President, Mike: Vice President, Treasurer: Mary Jo. All in favor, so moved.

    Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 10:30, seconded and all in favor, so moved. 

    Next meeting: May 25, 2024 at 8:00 AM LSC CC.

    Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane & Jerremy Jones

  • 31 Aug 2023 7:59 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Today marks the Lake St. Catherine Association's 70th anniversary!

    A lot has changed over those 70 years, and the LSCA has evolved to meet new challenges over that time. As you’ll read below, the LSCA has updated its original stated purpose a few times as the needs of the lake have changed, and to focus on the responsibility of stewardship.

    Back on August 31st, 1953, the founding Trustees of the Lake St. Catherine Association submitted our Articles of Association with the stated purpose of “…encouraging, and promoting the development and beautifying of the grounds, cottages, beaches and roads of privately owned homes and cottages on or near Lake St. Catherine...”

    Articles of Association for the Lake St. Catherine Association from August 31st, 1953

    On August 28th, 1980, the LSCA’s Trustees submitted an Amendment of Articles of Association to update our purpose. It was changed to “The purpose of this corporation is the promotion of the common good, general welfare and civic betterment of the Lake St. Catherine community by restoring and maintaining the quality of Lake St. Catherine, a public body of water, and the surrounding area, for the benefit of all those people who visit and use the lake and for the benefit of the total environment of all people.”

    Then on July 30th, 2011, the LSCA’s Trustees submitted another Amendment of Articles of Association which updated our purpose to what it is today, and instituting our 501c3 non-profit status: “The purpose of this corporation is to be a public charity to receive donations, grants or contributions and to utilize its income and assets for the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine, a public body of water in the State of Vermont, and its environs.”

    What started in 1953 as a well-intentioned group of folks promoting the beautifying of the grounds of Lake St. Catherine has evolved into an association of dedicated volunteers planning for the long-term future and health of the lake.

    As we acknowledge this occasion, we also reflect back to think of those who started this great organization. We sincerely hope that they would be proud to see what the Association has grown into.

    So, as we mark our 70th anniversary, cheers to those founding members of the LSCA, to those who have served in the past, and to our current 15 Trustees who continue to work to preserve, protect, and maintain beautiful Lake St. Catherine!

  • 30 Aug 2023 5:05 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Our Game Warden Justin Turner sent us this update about Game Warden patrols at the lake in August to pass along to the lake community. He has been providing updates throughout the season, and this is his fifth update.

    We thank Justin for his work, and providing these updates to the lake community!

    Justin's Report:

    "Game Wardens patrolled the lake throughout the month of August conducting safety inspections and visibility patrols. Several patrols resulted in addressing zero violations, for example no wake violations, illegal operation of personal watercraft, or the mandatory requirements for having a personal flotation device(s). Having said that, as a reminder anybody born after January 1, 1974, is required by statute to complete a boating safety course.

    Here is a link: https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/23/029/03305b

    Fishing pressure seems to be increasing while the recreational boating seems to be slowing down. There are several fishing derbies scheduled to be on the lake in the near future. Here are those dates: 09/02, 09/10, 10/07, 10/08, and 10/14.

    If you see a violation or any activity that raises concern, please feel free to contact Warden Turner directly at 802-595-8754. If there is an emergency and you are unable to speak directly with Warden Turner, call State Police Dispatch at 802-772-4629 and the next available Warden can assist you.

    Stay safe, keep dry, and enjoy the lake!”

    One of those numerous safety inspections Justin conducted in August was with me as I had stopped to observe a loon this past Sunday in Oxbow Bay:

    Vermont Fish & Wildlife Warden for Lake St. Catherine - Justin Turner

    Justin checked that I had my boating license, and also inspected the boat for things like proper PFDs, working lights, a fire extinguisher, and registration.

    When you pass the safety inspection, you get a Warden Service Inspection Sticker:

    2023 Vermont Marine Warden Service Inspection Sticker

    Thank you to Justin for working to keep us all safe on the lake, and for providing these updates!

    You can read more about boating rules, and how to contact Justin on our Lake Safety page here: https://lakestcatherine.org/lake-safety

  • 25 Aug 2023 9:55 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    The Fall 2023 Newsletter is here!

    In an effort to save on printing and mailing costs, we've decided to only print a short run of copies and distribute them at Wellsmere Farm. If you'd like a printed copy, please feel free to pick one up when you are out and about (available now!). Thank you to Michelle for having them at the farm!

    Also, your LSCA Trustee neighbors will have printed copies available around the lake over the weekend.

    The digital version is now available online via our website through this link: Click here to view the Fall 2023 Newsletter, or click on the image below. When you click on the link for the newsletter, you will be able to view it on screen - and be able to zoom in or out using the controls in your browser window. Or, you can click the download button to save a copy to your computer to view with a PDF reader, and/or print a copy.

    LSCA's Fall 2023 Newsletter

  • 21 Aug 2023 12:08 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Please join us, the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD), and Fitzgerald Environmental Associates at the Wells Town Hall on September 1st, 2023 at 10 AM for a discussion as we choose the next TEN stormwater projects to implement around the lake.

    The projects were identified in the Lake St. Catherine Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) and the first six projects have been completed.  You can read more about the LSC SWMP on the LSCA website here: https://www.lakestcatherine.org/stormwater-master-plan

    Last year, the LSCA and PMNRCD earned a grant for $50k from the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) to design 10-12 more projects from the LSC SWMP. At this meeting, we will:

    • Discuss the LSC SWMP
    • Discuss the grant
    • Outline the identified SWMP projects that will have the most impact
    • Select 10-12 of the SWMP projects to be designed
    • Discuss the future funding and implementation of these projects
    • Discuss additional projects that have been brought to our attention by residents and decide how we want to move forward with them...

    We will also discuss the Lake St. Catherine Watershed Action Plan as it intersects with the above project development... but we will meet in more depth about the Watershed Action Plan later this fall or winter...

    Please help to spread the word - everyone is welcome! 

    Please join us, we hope to see you there!

    Lake St. Catherine Stormwater Master Plan

  • 19 Aug 2023 7:35 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC. We'd like to give you a quick recap of the first Lake St. Catherine Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIP) paddle which took place this morning.

    The focus of this program is early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS) before they can become established in a waterbody.

    First - a THANK YOU to our participants: Kim, Gloria, Marcia, and Steve. We appreciate you all taking part in our first paddle - we hope you enjoyed it!

    On this first introductory paddle, we used underwater viewers to find and identify many of our native plants, while keeping an eye out for invasive plants or animals around the boat launch. Patrolling the boat launch is a great place to kickoff this program, as it is a high-risk area for invasive species introduction.

    We of course found some of our common natives like elodea, Robbins' pondweed, and white water lily, and the invasive eurasian watermilfoil.

    But we also found some of our more interesting ones... we found:

    - american eel-grass - with the female plants having a coiling stem which resembles a corkscrew

    american eel-grass

    - watershield - which has floating, elliptical shaped leaves that have a clear jelly-like undercoating


    - ribbon-leaf pondweed - which has two different leaf types: submerged long and slender grass like leaves and floating, elliptical leaves. 

    ribbon-leaf pondweed

    As part of this Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation program, we will be filing out and filing a report this evening.

    We'll plan another VIP paddle in mid-September, and we'll select and post a date soon. We hope you'll join us - it was a lot of fun! If you'd like to learn more about this new program on LSC, please visit the VIP page on our website: https://www.lakestcatherine.org/vermont-invasive-patrollers

    If you'd like to learn more about the interesting aquatic plants in LSC, check out the book "Aquatic Flora of Northern New England" by Donald J. Padgett. It contains great photos and descriptions of native (and invasive) aquatic plants that you'd find in LSC.

    "Aquatic Flora of Northern New England" by Donald J. Padgett

    > Aquatic plant photos from Native Plant Trust: https://gobotany.nativeplanttrust.org

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Lake St. Catherine Association
PO Box 631
Wells, VT 05774

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