For the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine
Hello again to the LSC community. We'd like to share the details of the 2018 LSCA Membership Meeting & Dinner with you.
The Lake St. Catherine Association would like to invite you to the Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner on Saturday, July 21st, from 6 PM - 8 PM at the Fairways Restaurant & Tavern at the LSC Country Club.
The Trustees will make brief presentations, updating you on the work of the LSCA this season, including membership election of Trustees and discussion of lake affairs.
We will also have these guest speakers on hand to make brief presentations:
• Kara Sliwoski - SOLitude Lake Management,
- Milfoil & Milfoil Control
• Sadie Brown - Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District,
- Lake Wise & Stormwater Master Planning
• Bill Alexander - Slate Valley Trails,
- Bicycling & Foot Trails in the Slate Valley Region
You are all invited to ask questions, make statements, meet your neighbors and enjoy an excellent dinner!
$15 option: Baked Haddock / Chicken Marsala, Pasta Salad, Cake and Coffee.
$25 option: Prime Rib Dinner
We ask that you RSVP for dinner so the chef can prepare for the evening.
Please call or email Mary Jo Teetor, 802-287-5836 /
We hope to see you there!
On Saturday, June 23rd, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their second meeting of the 2018 season.
The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi Mcshane.
June 23rd 2018 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees
Lake St. Catherine Country Club, 8:30 AM
Meeting called to order by President Jim Canders at 8:30. Ten trustees were in attendance, six were absent.
Respectfully submitted, Recording Secretary, Kemi McShane
Hello LSC.
Today, we are sharing a new guide for lakeshore property owners, published by the Vermont Department Of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Management Division, Lakes and Ponds Program.
About the guide, from the Vermont DEC:
"Are you considering lakefront property in Vermont? Maybe you live out of state and are drawn to Vermont’s clear waters and the poignant call of loons from across a pond. Or perhaps you’re a lifelong Vermonter who is just now contemplating a quiet retreat on the lake. The newly released Sharing the Edge: A Guide to Lakeshore Property Owners in Vermont offers guidance on everything from permitting to how to volunteer with the DEC Lakes and Ponds Program. This property owner’s guide introduces a new or potential landowner to what a healthy lakeshore looks like and describes how Vermont manages its public waters as a natural resource. Sharing the Edge provides a brief overview of development regulations, including the Shoreland Protection Act and Lake Encroachment. Readers will learn where to locate the Inland Lakes Score Card, which opens to provide easy-to-read water quality data on Google Earth. Sharing the Edge introduces the Lake Wise program, which supports and awards properties that embody lake-friendly development. The guide also answers several frequently asked questions including 'Can I have a dock?' and 'How long does it take to get a permit?'."
"Are you considering lakefront property in Vermont? Maybe you live out of state and are drawn to Vermont’s clear waters and the poignant call of loons from across a pond. Or perhaps you’re a lifelong Vermonter who is just now contemplating a quiet retreat on the lake. The newly released Sharing the Edge: A Guide to Lakeshore Property Owners in Vermont offers guidance on everything from permitting to how to volunteer with the DEC Lakes and Ponds Program.
This property owner’s guide introduces a new or potential landowner to what a healthy lakeshore looks like and describes how Vermont manages its public waters as a natural resource. Sharing the Edge provides a brief overview of development regulations, including the Shoreland Protection Act and Lake Encroachment. Readers will learn where to locate the Inland Lakes Score Card, which opens to provide easy-to-read water quality data on Google Earth. Sharing the Edge introduces the Lake Wise program, which supports and awards properties that embody lake-friendly development. The guide also answers several frequently asked questions including 'Can I have a dock?' and 'How long does it take to get a permit?'."
It looks to be a great resource for lakeshore property owners. Take a look!
You can download a copy by clicking here: Sharing the Edge: A Guide to Lakeshore Property Owners in Vermont, or by clicking on the image below.
Hello LSC!
Thank you to all the boats that participated in the parade - and to all those that cheered them on from the shore!
Here are your winners:
Best Overall:
1st - #6 - Lake St. Catherine Welcomes Back The 'Bald" Eagles - Pofit Family:
2nd - #1 - Vikings - Goldman Family:
Most Patriotic:
1st - #11 - Tardie Family:
2nd - #8 - Higgins Family:
1st - #14 - Fitzsimmons & Family - Every Day is A Holiday At Lake St. Catherine:
2nd - #15 - Wendell Family - May the 4th Be With You Jedi:
Most Original:
1st - #5 - Conine Family - Rowing Vikings:
2nd - #3 - Roth Family - May the 4th Be With You:
Nice job all! Lila will be in touch to get you your well earned prizes.
The LSCA would like to thank these generous sponsors for providing prizes for the Boat Parade:
A quick video of the boats as they paraded by:
You can see photos of all the boats that participated in this Facebook Photo Gallery.
FInally, thanks to Lila for once again organizing another excellent parade.
Lila also wanted to pass along these thanks: "Thank you to all our judges, Laura Edwards, Mary Jo and Mark Teeter, and Kim Mulcahy and her mom. Also for the families that let us use their boat house or deck for judges stations, Bill and Barb Carris, Dave and Eunice Conine and the Jucketts."
We hope everyone had fun. We'll do it all again next year!
We'd like to inform you that testing of the lake water after the June 18th milfoil treatment indicates that we may now resume the use of lake water for drinking and food preparation.
Please note that the restriction for irrigation is still in place - and may take up to 120 days after treatment.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
We have been given the all-clear to remove the Cyanobacteria warning signs along the channel of Hall Bay - and normal use of the channel may resume.
The bloom has dissipated, and you may now enter the channel.
This is what the Cyanobacteria looked like:
It looks like light blue paint on top of the water.
Vermont DEC advised us that this was an unusual event for LSC, and they had no previous records of a Cyano bloom on the lake. They attributed it to a perfect storm of conditions that day in the Halls Bay channel, citing lack of rain, temperature, water depth and lack of water movement.
If you see a bloom like this anywhere on the lake inthe future, please let us know at
On Sunday, June 17th, Cyanobacteria was found in the channel leading from Halls Bay.
The Vermont DEC was consulted and a crew was dispatched to contain the bloom with containment booms.
The Vermont Department of Health has posted signs to make property owners in that channel aware:
Until we are given the all-clear, please keep pets and children out of the water in the channel.
We have been told that it is naturally occurring - and that conditions were perfect for it to bloom there: lack of rain, temperature, water depth and lack of water movement.
We will keep you informed with any updates.
Additional information from the Vermont Department Of Health on Cyanobacteria can be read here: "CYANOBACTERIA (BLUE-GREEN ALGAE)". Please let us know immediately if you spot some.
From Vermont DEC Environmental Scientist, Angela Shambaugh:
"So long as there is visible cyanobacteria in the water, both in the inlet stream and anywhere along the lake shore where it empties into St. Catherine proper, everyone should be avoiding contact with them. Pets are also vulnerable, so owners should be keeping their pets out as well. It is difficult to predict how long the bloom might persist in the stream. Lake surface blooms typically dissipate when wind and waves thoroughly stir the water. They can last for a matter of hours or for several days or weeks, depending on the conditions. Blooms in streams typically are moved out by increased flow. It doesn’t sound like you received much rain as a result of the storms earlier this week, so this bloom may persist until there is more water movement. ...I have no records of blooms on St. Catherine, so this may be an unusual event as a result of the dry and then hot weather we’ve experienced for the last few weeks."
"So long as there is visible cyanobacteria in the water, both in the inlet stream and anywhere along the lake shore where it empties into St. Catherine proper, everyone should be avoiding contact with them. Pets are also vulnerable, so owners should be keeping their pets out as well.
It is difficult to predict how long the bloom might persist in the stream. Lake surface blooms typically dissipate when wind and waves thoroughly stir the water. They can last for a matter of hours or for several days or weeks, depending on the conditions. Blooms in streams typically are moved out by increased flow. It doesn’t sound like you received much rain as a result of the storms earlier this week, so this bloom may persist until there is more water movement.
...I have no records of blooms on St. Catherine, so this may be an unusual event as a result of the dry and then hot weather we’ve experienced for the last few weeks."
This is a reminder that the 2018 milfoil treatment is this Monday, June 18th.
The lake will be closed for ALL USES on Monday, June 18th and Tuesday, June 19th.
The lake will reopen for recreational use on Wednesday, June 20th.
Please see the Advisory Notice for water use restrictions for irrigation and food & drink preparation:
Advisory Notice:
2018 Treatment Map:
If you have any questions about the upcoming milfoil treatment, please email us at
Registration is underway for the Lake St. Catherine Association's 6th Annual Boat Parade!
Sunday, July 1st at 1 PM.
Sure, its fun to watch the Boat Parade... but it's even more fun to be in it!
[Overall 1st Place winner 2017: Beatles 50th Anniversary, Boat #16 - Jack McVicker & Kimberly Moore and friends]
It's time to come up with some creative ideas for your boat theme or decorations... and your creativity will be rewarded.
Fabulous prizes, of course!
So, you can see there is a lot at stake this year...
Prizes are awarded for:
Plus, all kids that participate get a free ice cream coupon from Stewart's Shops!
To join in on the parade, please contact Lila Burgner at to register your boat today.
You can read about last year's boat parade by clicking here.
Hello Lake St. Catherine community!
The Lake St. Catherine Association would like to thank our 250+ (and counting...) members for their support in submitting their membership dues this year - along with those that have generously donated.
Your membership and the dues and contributions we receive allows us to accomplish our work. Maintaining the lake costs approximately $100,000 annually. While we do receive annual grants from Poultney, Wells, and the State, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding.
However, our membership drive for 2018 is not over! There are still many of you out in the Lake community that we'd like reach - to ask for your support.
Soon, we will send out a second round of mailings to the Lake St. Catherine community containing the 2018 Membership Application.
If you'd like to support the LSCA and become a member, you can fill out the Membership Form linked above, or you can fill in our online membership form and submit your dues via our website. If you'd like to try our online form, you can click here to go to our Membership section. If you were a member last year, you can click here to log in and renew.
Some of the services the LSCA provides are:
After receiving your dues, our Treasurer Elaine will send you a welcome mailing which includes a LSCA member card for your window, a LSCA eyeglass / screen cleaner and a hand-written thank you note.
To our members - please spread the word about the LSCA! Your endorsement of the LSCA with your friends, family and neighbors would be greatly appreciated. Building our membership helps us continue to do great work for the Lake and the community.
We are also accepting donations. If you'd like to make a contribution (maybe in support of the Lily Pond Channel Project), you can do so via our website by visiting our Donation page here.
We hope you enjoyed our Spring 2018 Newsletter, and we hope to see everyone at the 2018 Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner on July 21st (more details soon).
We'd also like to let the businesses in the lake community know about a new membership level this year. This new membership level includes 4 benefits that the LSCA can provide: a listing on the Sponsors page of our new website, a Sponsor Spotlight story about your business posted on our website blog and Facebook page, the opportunity to have your special events posted on our LSC Community Calendar and a listing in our Spring and Fall Newsletters.
Thank you for your support!
If you have any questions, please contact us at at
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