On Saturday, July 24th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their third meeting of the 2017 season in the morning, and the Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner later that evening.
First, the LSCA would like to thank all those who attended this year's meeting - we had a packed house! We hope you enjoyed the the Trustee's reports and the open discussion of LSC topics. We appreciate your continued support of the LSCA, and the work we do for the Lake. We hope that you'll spread the word to your neighbors around the lake.
The LSCA would also like to thank the Lake St. Catherine Country Club for hosting the meeting and preparing an excellent dinner. We hope you enjoyed that as well.

- LSCA President Jim Canders welcomes the Membership, thanks the LSCCC for and invited guests Ron Bremer, Select Board Town of Wells and his family.
- LSCA Treasurer Elaine Bagley gives the Treasurer's Report.

Other topics discussed: Milfoil Treatment & Suction Harvesting, Water Quality, the proposed Lily Pond Channel project, Boat Launch Monitoring, the Boat Parade, LSCA Publicity, a Membership Report, Lake Safety, Government Relations, an Advisory Committee report and Trustee Elections.
The presentation the Trustees used during their reports is available to view below:
If you have any questions about the topics discussed in the presentation, or any comments about the evening, please let us know: info@lakestcatherine.org.
Thanks again for your support - we hope you had an enjoyable evening!

Minutes of the Lake St. Catherine Association's third meeting of the 2017 season.
July 22nd 2017 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees
Lake St. Catherine Country Club, 8:30 AM
The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Jerremy Jones and LSCA President Jim Canders.
Present: Jim Canders, Mary Jo Teetor, Bob Williams, Frank Callahan, Phil Pope, Rand Burgner, Jerremy Jones, John Belnavis, Bill McLaughlin, Elaine Bagley, Ed Laird
Absent: Rob Goldman, Ken Abt, Rob Nesbit, Jeff Crandall
Jim called the meeting to order and the previous minutes were submitted and approved.
The Annual Meeting presentation was discussed and committee members suggested edits and changes to their slides. These were made, and the presentation was completed.
John Belnavis discussed the setup of the room and the logistics of the transition from meeting to dinner for the guests. It was decided that the presentation would be projected on the wall above the stairwell, and seating would be arranged in rows facing that wall. Trustees would stand up front, to the side of the projection to give their report. At the end of the meeting, guests would be asked to step outside as the room was prepared for dinner seating.
Jim Canders reported that he found a place to have a plaque made for the Greenbergs in honor of their years of service to the Association.
Frank Callahan discussed the two Lake Safety courses that were scheduled for Wells and Poultney. The Wells class only had 3 signups, so it had to be cancelled. However, a few days later, those folks were able to attend the Poultney class. The Poultney class had 11 attendees, all passed.
Frank also mentioned that people are tying their boats to the marker cones on the Sunken Island damaging them. He will mention at the Annual Meeting.
Phil Pope is still frustrated that he has not received the paperwork from the State that would officially permit the milfoil treatment, even though the Association was given the go-ahead. It was discussed that new employees and consolidation is most likely the cause of them being so far behind.
Bill McLaughlin proposed the Association should look into organizing lake property owners to better negotiate tax obligations with Wells and Poultney. Ed commented that this would be outside the Association's narrowly defined purpose under our 501(c)(3).
Bob Williams talked about the 5 people that will be put up for election to the board at the annual meeting: Jim Canders, Bob Williams, Jeff Crandell, Jerremy Jones and Martha Pofit.
Mary Jo and John mentioned that the milfoil treatment signs have been picked up. Mary Jo said that next year, stickers should be put on signs that say "DO NOT REMOVE FOR 30 DAYS".
Frank mentioned picking up some Association property at Woodard Marina.
Jerremy Jones reported that the Association received nice coverage in the local papers about the boat parade, both before and after the event. He mentioned that since the end of June, the Association's Facebook page has added over 50 new followers, now totaling over 300. Finally, he showed some possible designs for the Fall newsletter. The board selected their favorite.
Jim and Mary Jo will be attending the FOVLAP meeting on July 24th.
Meeting adjourned.